|Cosmetic Tattoos|

It is required that you read over all faq's and policies before booking an appointment.

If you have had any previous permanent makeup work done by another artist regardless of time passed or how light they may be,

it is required you text a clear, natural lit photo of them to 702.439.4526 before booking.

I will need to view your brows before accepting your appointment request to ensure I am able to work on them.

|Fine Line Tattoos|

I do not offer cover ups or touch ups on tattoo work done by another artist.

You cannot receive any tattoo work if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

You must be 18 yrs or older to receive tattoo work.

Areas I will not tattoo*

-Soles of feet or hands

-Private body parts




  • Microblading is the process of implementing pigment into the skin to simulate the appearance of natural hair. It is considered a tattoo, and permanent makeup. Although it is considered permanent makeup, it does fade over time. Touch ups are suggested annually in order to keep the color fresh & shape precise. Microblading does not take the place of makeup. It will look most natural on clients that already have a decent amount of brow. The more hair you have the more natural results you will receive. Microblading heals best on young, healthy skin that is normal-dry. Oily skin and aging/thin skin is not recommended for microblading. The results will not heal as well, or look as natural. If you have aging or oily skin, you are better suited for a combination brow.

  • Oily Skin: Increased oil production can cause hair strokes to heal lighter or powder like & strokes may appear blurry & not as crisp.

    Iron Deficiency/Anemia: Your body will absorb iron based pigments more quickly.

    Sun Exposure: Increased exposure to the sun will cause premature fading. You will want to use a special sunscreen for your Microblading.

    Excessive Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during your Microblade procedure will have a great affect how your body retains pigment. It is very important that you follow all brow preparation in order to avoid excessive bleeding. This includes avoiding alcohol & caffeine 24 hrs prior to your appointment, As well as any blood thinning medication.

    Smoking: Smokers may notice fading of their Microblading at a quicker rate.

    Metabolism & Age: The faster your metabolism is the faster your pigment will fade.

    Auto Immune Disease: This May or may not affect your Microblading but their is possibility with certain auto immune diseases that your heal time may be longer then the normal or just the way you heal properly may be affected

    • Pregnant/breastfeeding

    • Currently using Accutane, or have used Accutane within the past year

    • Prone to Keloid Scarring

    • Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face

    • Are on blood thinning medications or antibiotics

    • Have acne in the brow area

    • Have Rosacea

    • Are currently undergoing cancer treatment

    • Must be off Chemo or Radiation for 6 months

  • AVOID drinking alcohol 24 hours before your appointment. AVOID caffeine(coffee etc.) 12 hrs prior to your appointment. Once appointment is finished you are more than welcome to have these. If you wax or tint your eyebrows you will want to do so 72 hours before your appointment. Botox must be received no less than two weeks prior as well as chemical peels or fillers.

    You must AVOID any pain relievers prior to the appointment.

    You must not use Retin-A on or around brow area for at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment. Discontinue any blood thinners & fish oils for 7 days prior to your appointment. You will need to avoid water for 7-10 days after receiving Microblading! This includes excessive sweating, pools, suanas, lakes, salt water, and heavy sun exposure, so plan your vacations accordingly!

  • During your appointment I will be applying %5 lidocaine to ensure you are nice and numb while I work. I numb you prior and during so that you are comfortable. Every client has different pain tolerances, but most people compare it to light tweezing. If you are at the time of your menstrual cycle you may be more sensitive.

  • In hours following receiving Microblade the brows will appear darker & more bold due to pigment oxidation. A warm hue is also normal due to modifiers within the pigments used (this is a good thing & will subside within the first few days) Your brows may be a little tender or red around the area this should also subside within 24hrs. Applying the given aftercare should help with any irritation. Your brows will heal about %30-%40 lighter then what they initially look like on day 1.

    Around day 3-5 you may notice light scabbing and flaking on the treated area. This is normal & you must refrain from picking them. Doing so will result in loss of pigment in those areas. The brows may appear patchy until they reach their final stage of healing. I also suggest not judging them until the 4-6 week mark. Once all the flaking is complete (typically around day 10), the brows will appear lighter. The skin will normalize over the next 4-6 weeks and the pigment will return to the skin in it’s healed color.

    At 4-6 weeks, your brows will be fully healed. Whatever areas may have lost pigment will be addressed in your touch up appointment. During your touch upwe will asses your retention, touch up the spots that didn’t hold, and can adjust the pigment color & shape to give you your fully desired brows!

  • It is a requirement of mine that all clients with previous work send a clear photo of their brows before booking so that I can determine if I am able to work on them. I typically will only work on them if they are at-least %80 - %90 faded. Any client coming from a previous artist will be considered new client of mine at full price.

  • $100 Non Refundable deposit is required within 24. hours of booking to secure your appointment. Transferable only under my discretion. Click here to book online.

    A invoice for deposit will be sent to you following your booking & must be paid within 24 hrs. If this is not paid within 24 hrs. you will risk losing your appointment.

  • Cash is most preferred but I also accept credit card payment. Any credit card transaction on square has a %2 service fee.

  • All Deposits are non refundable & non transferable unless under my discretion.

    Canceling out of the 48 hour window will result in a $150 fee as well as forfeit your deposit. Canceling day of will results in charged half of your service to the card on file. You will be required to place a new deposit to reschedule. No shows will result in a loss of your deposit, and will be charged the FULL AMOUNT of the appointment.


  • Fine line creates thinner, more intricate lines typically using 1-3 round liner needles, this style of tattoo tends to appear very dainty & tiny detail can be added. Traditional work typically creates a bit thicker, bolder lines using 6-12+ round liner needles. Both styles have their own unique appeal. Both styles can be done on the same areas of the body & can incorporate black/grey or colored ink.

  • Fine line work has gained popularity in the more recent years for its delicate & softer appeal. This kind of work offers dainty, thin lines, and availability to add a lot of small detail.

  • Anyone 18 years or older, not pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • As with all tattoo styles, yes, fine line can fade over time but there are ways to extend the vibrancy and definition of your ink. Touch ups can help keep the lines looking clean & sharp.

  • Using the provided aftercare during appointment.

    -Keep wrap provided on 3-5 days

    -Gently remove in shower under warm water & start washing with a mild/antibacterial soap followed by a thin layer of provided balm for up to 2 weeks.

    -A consented lotion can be used for the following few weeks to hydrate the skin.

    -Avoid hot tubs/lakes/pools/ocean for 4 weeks following the tattoo service

    -Always use a mineral SPF to protect from fading.

    -Avoid using harsh products/chemicals/exfoliants on that area of the skin.

  • It is not always necessary but I offer free touch ups on all my fine line work.

    You must wait 6 weeks before touching up.

  • 6-8 weeks.

    Aftercare is required the first 2 weeks to ensure proper healing